
Showing posts from September, 2020

超简单鱿鱼辣椒🦑🌶 Effortless spicy squid

大葱炒蛋 材料: 大葱 2粒, 切丝 小辣椒 3粒, 切小粒 鸡蛋 4粒 油 5汤匙 调味: 鸡粉 1茶匙 盐 1茶匙 做法: 把鸡蛋搅拌,加入调味。先把油大火的煮熟,倒下洋葱炒香,再下小辣椒。接着把蛋倒入锅中,炒数下,让蛋定形,然后反过来煎到金黄色就可上碟。 Egg fried with onion  Ingredients: 2 onion (sliced) 3 chili padi (chopped) 4 egg 5 tablespoons oil Seasonings: 1 teaspoon chicken stock powder  1 teaspoon salt Methods: Beat up eggs, add in seasonings. Heat up the oil, stir-fry onion till fragrant and add in chili padi. Pour the eggs evenly into the wok, let the eggs set and flip over. Cook till golden brown and it is ready to be served.